Originally posted by Blue
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Originally posted by Ergenburgensmurgen View Post
You'd think that it would be better served spending its time working on its CV but no that narcissistic rage just won't quit.
It its case it might be better if smeg/Arthur Daley/nitcha did continue to be a burden on society and a Thai forum laughing stock.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
I like this drip. another review........
Slow Drip #2
Arthur Daley/Smeg retirement
It enjoys reminding everyone, the same tired claims,………….
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Postright minded are able to retire in their 40s
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View PostI'm early retired. Have been for nearly 2 years.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Postdeeply envious of those retiring in their 40s
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View PostFeel sorry for those that trot off to work day after day, decade after decade because they have to.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View PostNever wanted that drab existence, and never needed it....
The real reason the unemployable loser Arthur Daley/Smeg was forced to take an early retirement. The job interview was only conducted a short time ago and it would be working today if it wasn’t for one particular fact.
The Facts
54. On 12 June 2019 the Respondent sent the Claimant a formal offer of employment. The offer letter stated that "this offer will be subject to the receipt of satisfactory references
67….. Xxxxxxx was only with this team for a short while, he didn’t finish his probation period and it would have been unlikely that he would have successfully completed this probation.... Xxxxxxx was not in post long enough for me to be able to give a full assessment of suitability, there were a number of areas of weakness"
68……….. “In light of the emails received so far, I am not prepared to proceed with the appointment and would like to withdraw the offer………Referee 2 and Referee 1 employed Xxxxxxx prior to this and we have one refusal and the other is not favourable.
69. Ms Xxxx replied at 15.14 the same day saying, “I would consider these unsatisfactory references.”
85. Ms Xxxxx was cross examined about making assumptions and bias. She said that “the alternative to making assumptions is gathering facts”. She said, “I look for references which confirm what the candidate has said in their application and interview. If a reference does not confirm the strengths and qualities of candidate then it is not satisfactory. I have never had an instance like this before where I have not had at least one strong reference for an individual.”
89. Ms Xxxxxxx-Xxx emailed the Claimant on 24 June 2019 saying that: "l regret to inform you that due to receipt of unsatisfactory references, we will not be proceeding with the appointment, and are withdrawing our offer of employment'.Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Originally posted by serrolltThe member concerned should commission his lawyers to threaten admin and get international arrest warrants for the posters involved.
Ms Tinkles ………. his cock
Proof the TC’s lonely lying angry rejected fat pink panty wearing irresponsible fruit pickin' I support a loser day drunk Ms. Tinkles is a closet homosexual
Closeted individuals frequently cannot acknowledge to themselves, let alone to others, their homoerotic feelings, attractions and fantasies. Their homosexuality is so unacceptable that it must be kept out of conscious awareness and cannot be integrated into their public persona. Consequently, these feelings must be dissociated from the self and hidden from others.: https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/vie...and-coming-out
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Originally posted by Mr Tinkles View Post
Not only did this show how weak forum admin is....they should have told the ugly little runt to f*ck off....it also exposed how tiny his cock is
And just like your master, no I won't have sex with you. I'm not gay and could do better for myself than you if I were.
Originally posted by S Landreth View Postsmeg/Arthur Daley/nitcha is a liar and The Facts support it
And you'd have to be a complete fcuking moron to believe a word the delusional fantasist and loser dribbles...
Originally posted by Mr Tinkles View PostThank goodness we have honest people on this forum like Smeg
Originally posted by S LandrethI claim to be a globetrotting multi millionaire loan shark, whereas I'm a obsessive forum-stalking window-licker who thinks it's normal to bump my own posts and post solo hundreds of times on threads. The facts support it.Originally posted by Ergenburgensmurgen View Post
And I'd have to be a complete fcuking weirdo to play along with it because I need useful idiots such as delusional fantasist and dribbling loser you...
It is, but they are weak posts from the liar smeg/Arthur Daley/nitcha who doesn’t read my posts, but will quote me with a distorted interpretation fill in (creative writing fail)
Smell a hint of envy from the loser smeg/Arthur Daley/nitcha this morning
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Originally posted by S Landreth View Postbut will quote me with a distorted interpretation fill in (creative writing fail)
The cacophony of voices screaming inside its head probably don't help either.
Another two posts by someone far more interested in me than their shit job
Originally posted by Ergenburgensmurgen View Post
Jaysus am I still doing that dumb fake ignore shite. I really do have a problem, because if I maintain the pretence or admit it's bs, either way I'm going to be laughed at. And narcissists like me detest being laughed at.
The cacophony of voices screaming inside my head certainly don't help either.
Jetsetter rehashing
Slow drip #3
worthwhile holidays Smeg/Arthur Daley/Nitcha never goes on and the reason why.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Post03-08-2020 Heading here tomorrow.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Post09-01-2021 Back on topic, as Malaysia has screwed my plans to return there on the MM2H, which is currently the best country in Asia to spend the next year or two of retirement in, once travel restrictions end?
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Post09-03-2021 Still waiting though
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View PostI'm interested in Asia's value for money sweetspots.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Postand is about 25% cheaper for many things.
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View Postliveable city, it's cheaper.
A little about the MM2H visa
Under the new regulations, those intending to apply for the programme must prove liquid assets worth between RM500,000 and RM1.5mil depending on their age.
They must also have a monthly offshore income of at least RM40,000 (about 9,600.00 US dollars) compared to RM10,000 previously. Additionally, they must stay a minimum of 90 days in the country per year.
Smeg/Arthur Daley/Nitcha never goes on any worthwhile holidays or will spend “the next year or two of retirement in” because it has never held a long-term job and it’s cheap (“money sweetspots., 25% cheaper, it's cheaper”).
Originally posted by Arthur Daley View PostNitcha right for contributing 712 posts of travel pics etc
Can anyone show me a handful of threads started by Smeg/Arthur Daley/Nitcha on a worthwhile holiday (with pictures not taken from the net) on any of the three forums we know the unemployable loser will post/posted on?
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