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Boon Mee's Crap

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  • FFS, I can't imagine the misery of being so determined to deny what you are that you'd create infantile projecting memes whilst chained to a factory desk.

    Why don't you make another gravestone meme to taunt tax about his cancer Tony? That was real classy.


    • regulate their shaky self-esteem. They need to find people who would agree with them. And in order for others to agree with them, these other people either need to be terribly unhealthy and unable to recognize their toxic tendencies, or the narcissist needs to lie and present a different story than what is actually true."



      • i'm sure he's still got the old one stored in his annotated megaterabyte filing system of quotes and memes that he has compulsively collated over the many years that he has been suffering from his obscene addiction to picking fights with virtual characters on low rent fora in the stinking shithole he finds himself living in.

        c'mon piss, lets see it.


        • Oh dear, it's predictably locked itself down into a rinse repeat auto-deny-and-project mode in its usual misguided belief that winning a posting war of attrition will confirm its delusions


          • "They need to find people who would agree with them. And in order for others to agree with them, these other people either need to be terribly unhealthy and unable to recognize their toxic tendencies"

            "The narcissist fears those he cannot control or manipulate so attempts to denigrate them by desperate appeals to those he can in an effort to recruit them into his pattern of abuse and recriminations.

            For despite all his bluster and posturing he is a truly weak man."
            Originally posted by TAXEXILE
            i'm sure he's still got the old one stored in his annotated megaterabyte filing system of quotes and memes that he has compulsively collated over the many years that he has been suffering from his obscene addiction to picking fights with virtual characters on low rent fora in the stinking shithole he finds himself living in.

            c'mon piss, lets see it.

            Get 'em TEFLer taxi! Good boy! You'll get a pat of the head for being a Useful & Easily Manipulated Idiot

            FatUnemployed Forum Monitoring Narcissist yesterday: 'I may or may not post today' *Unsolicited Grandiose Fantasy Tale Of Awesome'Life'*
            Fat Unemployed Forum Monitoring Narcissist today (to thesurprise of absolutely nobody): *Compulsive Hyper-vigilant Forum Monitoring / NarcissisticRage + Projection*


            • Originally posted by TAXEXILE View Post
              i'm sure he's still got the old one stored in his annotated megaterabyte filing system of quotes and memes that he has compulsively collated over the many years that he has been suffering from his obscene addiction to picking fights with virtual characters on low rent fora in the stinking shithole he finds himself living in.

              c'mon piss, lets see it.
              He's a sick puppy that wants anyone who can see his toxicity dead. Your cancer, boon mee's age, and I've repeatedly been told that I'm obese and I'll have a heart attack. That was preceded by being told that suicide is painless.

              Subhuman stuff.


              • Originally posted by Nitcha
                He's a sick puppy that wants anyone who can see his toxicity dead. Your cancer, boon mee's age, and I've repeatedly been told that I'm obese and I'll have a heart attack. That was preceded by being told that suicide is painless.

                Subhuman stuff.
                "The most common way narcissists create alternative narratives is by projecting, narcissists love to project. If they say that the other person is jealous of them, then you know that the narcissist is jealous. If they say that the other person was cruel to them, then you know that the narcissist was cruel to the other person.

                Whatever the narcissist is presenting the other person as is a much more accurate description of the narcissist.

                Projection is evident when the narcissist handballs their flaws onto you
                In the true sense of narcissistic rage, it is the fury that is sparked by being unmasked. Being found out. Of realising that another sees them for what they really are."

                To a 'T'


                • Do something useful for once and post on my KL is the best city in Asia thread. You can tell us the wonders of CM and repeat your boasts of having air purifiers

                  Well my bus is pulling into Malacca. Really looking forward to exploring the city. It's next to the sea and has an abundance of colonial buildings apparently, two things KL lacks. It might become my new favourite Asian city


                  • Fat Unemployed Forum Monitoring Narcissist yesterday: 'I may or may not post today' *Unsolicited Grandiose Fantasy Tale Of Awesome 'Life'*
                    Fat Unemployed Forum Monitoring Narcissist today (to the surprise of absolutely nobody): *Compulsive Hyper-vigilant Forum Monitoring / Narcissistic Rage + Projection*

                    Narcissistic rage + projection: so very predictable.


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                      • Careful Pat, your first jpeg had the identifying letters ""R" and "son" in it. Cue dribbling meltdown accusations of libel and demands for your immediate cowering apology lol.

                        ^^ Does my life sound "awesome" Tony? I like it, but I'd describe it as perfectly comfortable and content rather than awesome. Having a yummy Malay buffet and ice coffee now. Mrs coming up from SG for the weekend as per most weekends.

                        As for your repeated gaslighting attempts for me to permanently retire from this forum, unlike you I don't have a compulsive posting problem that cripples my social and professional functionality. It's a pity you couldn't have stuck to your

                        - Me new job's gonna keep me busy! No more mega postcount from me
                        - Jail me for a third time DD and I'll quit TD, no ifs or buts
                        - I know, how about a poll instead? If the majority want me gone I'll go. I'm a man of my word
                        - Ok, if Trump wins I'll quit TD

                        Laughable desperate bullshit


                        • 'You're trying to gaslight me!'

                          Says fat obsessive forum monitoring narcissist who came out of his 7th forum retirement 'to put someone in their place' and then immediately goes on to attempt gas-lighting.


                          • Diddums Tony crying about the foul taste of his own medicine yet again.....


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                              • Another one for the research paper


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